Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Chris Bumstead

By / April 17, 2023

Two of the most recognizable names in the bodybuilding industry are Chris Bumstead and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Chris Bumstead is a youthful prodigy who has just swept the bodybuilding world by storm, whereas Arnold Schwarzenegger is a legend who dominated the sport in the 1970s and 1980s.

Although the two guys have quite different bodies, training regimens, and competition histories, they are united by a love of the sport and a commitment to sculpting the ideal figure.

In this essay, we’ll examine the parallels and contrasts in the lives and physical appearances of these two legendary bodybuilders.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

arnold schwarzenegger body
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The name Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t require any introduction. He is considered one of the finest bodybuilders of all time, and decades after his last competition, his effect on the sport is still felt.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria in 1947, started lifting weights at the age of 15 and became passionate about bodybuilding very soon.

At the age of 20, he won his first Mr. Universe crown during the next four years, he won four more.

In the 1970s, Arnold Schwarzenegger continued to dominate the sport by taking home the Mr. Olympia crown seven times in a row.

His size, symmetry, and fitness were unparalleled, and he raised the bar for what a bodybuilder could do.

Arnold Schwarzenegger stopped competing in 1980, but he remained a significant presence in the industry, advancing bodybuilding and fitness through his writings, films, and on-screen personas.

Chris Bumstead

chris bumstead net worth
via cbum instagram

Canadian bodybuilder Chris Bumstead made a name for himself in 2016 when he triumphed at the NPC Nationals in the men’s classic physique category.

Chris Bumstead’s physique is a nod to the idealized bodybuilding of the past, with an emphasis on symmetry, balance, and beauty.

He resembles the physiques of bodybuilding icons like Frank Zane and Steve Reeves because he has broad shoulders, a thin waist, and a traditional V-taper.

Chris Bumstead has quickly ascended to the top of the Classic Physique class. He defeated some of the most skilled competitors in the world to win the Mr. Olympia Classic Physique title in 2019 and 2020.

He is a fan favorite and an inspiration to aspiring bodybuilders all over the world thanks to his passion for the sport and commitment to his training.

Differences in Training and Career

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chris Bumstead have vastly distinct training regimens and competitive histories while sharing a similar love for bodybuilding.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was renowned for his rigorous training regimen that prioritized complex exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses along with heavy lifting and high volume.

differences in training and career of arnold and chris bumstead
via arnold schwarzengger instagram

He also did a lot of isolation exercises to help him shape his body and enhance the symmetry of his muscles.

While placing a stronger focus on symmetry, proportion, and aesthetics, Chris Bumstead takes a more well-rounded approach to training.

He employs a mix of heavy lifting, isolation training, and cardio to develop a body with proper proportions.

Chris Bumstead is inspired by the classic bodybuilders of the 1960s and 1970s when it comes to his training methodology, and he strives to emulate their appearance while using contemporary tactics and techniques.

Arnold Schwarzenegger dominated the sport throughout the 1970s and 1980s, according to competition records.

In addition to countless other championships and honors, he won five Mr. Universe titles and seven Mr. Olympia crowns.

Despite still being relatively new to the sport, Chris Bumstead has already had a significant influence in the classic physique class, twice taking home the Mr. Olympia crown and becoming one of the best bodybuilders in the world.

Physical Dissimilarities

physical similarities of chris bumstead and arnold schwarzenegger
via cbum instagram

Additionally, Chris Bumstead and Arnold Schwarzenegger have quite distinct physiques. With broad shoulders, a muscular chest, and enormous arms and legs, Arnold Schwarzenegger was renowned for his enormous stature.

His body type reflected the bodybuilding ideals of the day, which prioritized size and mass over symmetry and appearance. Chris Bumstead, on the other hand, has a more balanced and attractive figure.

He features wide shoulders, a tight waist, and a classic V-taper evocative of classic bodybuilder physiques.

Chris Bumstead’s emphasis on symmetry and proportion has resulted in a physique that is both remarkable and aesthetically beautiful, with an emphasis on generating a sense of size rather than raw mass.


arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding
via arnold schwarzengger instagram

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chris Bumstead, despite their differences, both have a love for bodybuilding and a commitment to achieving the ideal physique.

Arnold Schwarzenegger pioneered contemporary bodybuilding, and Chris Bumstead ushered in a new age of classic physique competition.

Both individuals have made a tremendous impact on the sport. The impact of Arnold Schwarzenegger on the sport cannot be overemphasized.

He popularized bodybuilding by pushing it in his films and public appearances, encouraging a generation of aspirant bodybuilders in the process.

His supremacy in the sport in the 1970s and 1980s established a new bar for what was possible for bodybuilders, and his legacy continues to motivate competitors all over the world.

Chris Bumstead’s ascension to the top of the Classic Physique class has been a breath of fresh air for the sport.

arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding achievements
via arnold schwarzengger instagram

His attention to symmetry, proportion, and aesthetics has helped to reinvigorate interest in traditional bodybuilding and encouraged a new generation of bodybuilders to focus on developing a balanced and aesthetically beautiful physique.

Both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chris Bumstead are iconic figures in the world of bodybuilding, known for their different physiques, training approaches, and competitive accomplishments.

Despite their differences, they share an unrelenting dedication to the sport and a tireless quest for physical perfection, acting as an inspiration to bodybuilders all over the world.


Bodybuilding icon Arnold Schwarzenegger ruled the sport in the 1970s and 1980s. One of the best bodybuilders of all time, he continues to have an impact on the sport decades after his final contest.

Young Canadian bodybuilder Chris Bumstead made a name for himself in 2016 when he triumphed at the NPC Nationals in the men’s classic physique category.

He is renowned for having an appealing figure reminiscent of the peak of bodybuilding.

What are the differences in their Training Methods?

The intensive training regimen that Arnold Schwarzenegger followed was well-known for its heavy lifting, high volume, and emphasis on compound exercises.

While placing a stronger focus on symmetry, proportion, and aesthetics, Chris Bumstead takes a more well-rounded approach to training.

He employs a mix of heavy lifting, isolation training, and cardio to develop a body with proper proportions.

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